الاثنين، 30 نوفمبر 2015

The calendar quoted prime minister U Nu as describing the Rohingya as th...

Myanmar Muslims jailed over printing 'Rohingya' calendar
The Muslim publisher of a calendar that used the word ‘Rohingya’ to refer to the persecuted Islamic ethnic group has been thrown in Yangon’s Insein Prison, alongside four of his ASSOCIATES.
All five face criminal charges of intending to cause “fear or alarm to the public”, the Myanmar Times reported, with the publication, which features quotes from government officials in the 1950s and 1960s advocating interfaith harmony.
The charge carries a potential two-year prison term.
On November 23, they were fined K1 million for offences under the Printing and Publishing Law – and the print shop was raided and sealed off – but members of Buddhist nationalist organization Ma Ba Tha deemed the punishment “not acceptable”.
“It will look like an invitation to illegal action,” senior monk U Parmaukkha told the Times. “I approve of the new charges and await the judgment of the court.”
The calendar quoted prime minister U Nu as describing the Rohingya as their own ethnicity – a claim disputed by the current government and many people throughout Myanmar, who refer to members of the group as ‘Bengalis’, or illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.
It also features a 1946 speech made by independence leader Aung San who implored Buddhist and Muslim groups to live together peacefully

الخميس، 29 أكتوبر 2015

Watch "From Rohingya people this message to all countries nations and presidents" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/S8NckvxjWuM

الرسالة من الشعب الروهنجيا موجهة لجميع شعوب العالم وحكامها،

From Rohingya  people this message to all countries nations and presidents

وكما شاهدت فإن أغلب رؤوساء وحكام دول العالم اقروا بصريح العبارة او ضمناً بأن الشعب الروهنجيا يمارس ضده التطهير العرقي،
As you seen most of presidents criticized explicitly or implicitly that Myanmar Government practiced ethnic cleansing against Rohingya  people

فلماذا لا تتوقف حكومة المينمار عن وحشيتها ضد روهنجيا.
So, why the Myanmar government does not stop its atrocities against Rohingya  .

الرئيس أوباما وجه انتقاده للحكومة المينمارية وعدد من رؤساء بعض الدول وشخصيات سياسية وعالمية،
President Obama is criticism of the government Myanmar and a some of other countries presidents and international political personalities,

لكن حكومة مينمار مستمرة في جرائمها ضد الإنسانية غير مهتمة بانتقادات العالم ضدها.
But the government of Myanmar continues its crimes against humanity and incurious all criticism against its crimes.

هل حكومة مينمار خارجة عن جميع القوانين الدولية؟
Is Myanmar beyond the international laws?

آما آن الآوان أن يتخذ ضد الحكومة المينمارية اجراءات أكثر صرامة لإيقاف التطهير العرقي ضد الروهنجي بدل الانتقادات التي لا جدوى منها.
As it is time to take against the government Myanmar tougher measures to stop the ethnic cleansing against Rohingya  
.نحن الشعب الروهنجيا قضيتنا توجد لدى
هيئات عالمية ما تقوم به الحكومة المينمار الاضطهاد ضد الشعب الروهنجيا.
We are Rohingya  people our cause is in all
International organizations
What the Myanmar government is doing persecution against Rohingya  people.

فما زال لدينا امل أن تقوم تلك الهيئات والمنظمات بدور فعال لإيقاف همجية حكومة مينمار
But until now we are still hope that those international organizations will do action to stop the barbarism of the Myanmar Government against Rohingya  people.

نريد إيقاف التطهير العرقي من قبل حكومة مينمار ضد الشعب الروهنجيا.
We want to stop the ethnic cleansing by the government of 

Writer by Jafar Arkane
Watch "From Rohingya people this message to all countries nations and presidents" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/S8NckvxjWuM

الرسالة من الشعب الروهنجيا موجهة لجميع شعوب العالم وحكامها،
From Rohingya  people this message to all countries nations and presidents

وكما شاهدت فإن أغلب رؤوساء وحكام دول العالم اقروا بصريح العبارة او ضمناً بأن الشعب الروهنجيا يمارس ضده التطهير العرقي،
As you seen most of presidents criticized explicitly or implicitly that Myanmar Government practiced ethnic cleansing against Rohingya  people

فلماذا لا تتوقف حكومة المينمار عن وحشيتها ضد روهنجيا.
So, why the Myanmar government does not stop its atrocities against Rohingya  .

الرئيس أوباما وجه انتقاده للحكومة المينمارية وعدد من رؤساء بعض الدول وشخصيات سياسية وعالمية،
President Obama is criticism of the government Myanmar and a some of other countries presidents and international political personalities,

لكن حكومة مينمار مستمرة في جرائمها ضد الإنسانية غير مهتمة بانتقادات العالم ضدها.
But the government of Myanmar continues its crimes against humanity and incurious all criticism against its crimes.

هل حكومة مينمار خارجة عن جميع القوانين الدولية؟
Is Myanmar beyond the international laws?

آما آن الآوان أن يتخذ ضد الحكومة المينمارية اجراءات أكثر صرامة لإيقاف التطهير العرقي ضد الروهنجي بدل الانتقادات التي لا جدوى منها.
As it is time to take against the government Myanmar tougher measures to stop the ethnic cleansing against Rohingya  
.نحن الشعب الروهنجيا قضيتنا توجد لدى
هيئات عالمية ما تقوم به الحكومة المينمار الاضطهاد ضد الشعب الروهنجيا.
We are Rohingya  people our cause is in all
International organizations
What the Myanmar government is doing persecution against Rohingya  people.

فما زال لدينا امل أن تقوم تلك الهيئات والمنظمات بدور فعال لإيقاف همجية حكومة مينمار
But until now we are still hope that those international organizations will do action to stop the barbarism of the Myanmar Government against Rohingya  people.

نريد إيقاف التطهير العرقي من قبل حكومة مينمار ضد الشعب الروهنجيا.
We want to stop the ethnic cleansing by the government of 

Writer by Jafar Arkane

The Rakhine terrorists constantly killing Rohingya In Arakan Request from The World send Media in the ground Allah Bells All Muslims

World indifferent to humanitarian crisis in Myanmar
The world has turned a blind eye to the plight of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims amid reports of a state-sponsored ethnic cleansing being underway against the Southeast Asian country’s minority Muslim group.
The government of Myanmar refuses to recognize Rohingyas, who it claims are not natives and classifies as illegal migrants, although the Rohingya are said to be Muslim descendants of Persian, 
Turkish, Bengali, and Pathan origin, who migrated to Burma as early as the 8th centur
by Jafar Arkane